The Extraordinary Life of Ollie
AKA Oliver, Boyo, Owly Bird, Bird, & Olly Bolly
When Ollie was adopted in July of 2021 into the Darby family, he was already 12 years old, and no one knew how long he had been living on the streets by himself. Ollie was found as a stray and he was in a dire state. His eyes were gummed shut, his nails had grown into the pads of his feet, and he weighed less than seven pounds. His gait was awkward due to kyphosis, the medical term for having a hunchback, and his remaining teeth looked like petrified wood. Ollie had 22 teeth removed, leaving him with only two when he was adopted. Ollie also had autoimmune issues and dry eye syndrome, which ultimately led to his blindness.

Ollie was looking for a family that was primarily at home and could care for him and his medical needs. He found his perfect fit with the Darbys, who had a history of adopting older dogs with medical issues and knew how to give him the best life. The Darbys didn’t expect Ollie to be playful or interested in toys, but they knew he would enjoy warm, comfortable sleeping places and several good meals each day. It was a match and Ollie went home with Susan and Terry in 2021. Ollie bonded quickly with his new brother, Ziggy, a previous HSPPR spokesdog and member of the Darby Dachshund Clan. He learned to be gentle and respect the space of his sister Nala Bell, who had been adopted at 16 years old and was still adjusting to her new life. Despite all his medical issues, Ollie never let pain, shaky legs, or blindness stop him from enjoying life.
In the early days with the Darby’s, Ollie was very subdued. He wasn’t fearful, but he was cautious about who he let hold him due to his pain. However, it was clear from his adaptability and sweet behavior that he had been loved and cared for at some point in his life.
Despite his age and medical issues, Ollie gleefully participated in household activities. He loved being out in the yard, stretching out in the sun, or finding a favorite bed with blankies to fluff up and get under. His ears and nose never failed him, even in the rain or snow, unlike the other dogs who refused to go out in bad weather.
Ollie’s favorite spot at home was next to his mom. If she wasn’t around, he made himself comfortable in one of the dog beds in various rooms, always keeping his ears perked for her return.
Ollie’s relationship with the other animals was heartwarming. The home was quiet with Nala, who was 16, and Ziggy, who was 11. Ollie, with his short coat, loved curling up with Ziggy for warmth. Though Ollie’s adopted Mom was his special person, he knew Dad was the man for preparing meals and administering his medications, which often involved as many as 11 different meds each day. His caring Dad kept a detailed legal-sized spreadsheet of the administration of Ollie’s many drugs
Ollie comforted his family during difficult times, especially when they lost Nala and Ziggy. He grieved just like they did and brought them smiles when their hearts were aching. When Susan had a knee replacement, Ollie was the best companion, tucking himself next to her in the recliner and spending the day snuggling while Terry waited on them.
One of Susan and Terry’s favorite memories of Ollie is how he would sit at the baby gate, listening for his mom to come down the stairs. Since Susan didn’t wear shoes in the morning, she often snuck up behind him and said, “Good morning, sweet boy,” making him excited for morning love pats.
Ollie participated in family gatherings, BBQs, birthday parties, and holiday celebrations. The family’s grandson, who visited from out of town, would often build elaborate wooden train systems that covered the living room floor. Ollie navigated through the tracks and only knocked over a few structures, an amazing accomplishment for being blind!
Despite having Ollie for only two-and-a-half years, he had a profound impact on the Darby’s lives and confirmed their belief that senior dogs are the best. Ollie’s legacy is one of love, resilience, and unwavering loyalty. Ollie passed over the rainbow bridge earlier this year, but he brought immense joy into their home and left an indelible mark on their hearts. Here’s to Ollie, their beloved dachshund, whose extraordinary life will always be remembered with love and gratitude.
*Ollie is one of 16 dachshunds lucky enough to have found a home with the Darbys over the years