3 Things to Consider When Adopting a Senior Pet

…before taking one home with you: Getting as much info as possible before adopting an older pet Not all animal rescues and shelters do thorough medical testing and treatment on…
Is Hospice the Right Choice for Your Senior Pet

…We often get requests to adopt very old, sick animals for hospice purposes. But just because we can extend a life, doesn’t mean we should. Below are some considerations I…
Adopt a Shelter Cat Month

…when they are old enough and no longer need their mother, they can be brought into the shelter for either adoption, or a spay or neuter before they are returned…
Meet HSPPR Spokesdog Willie

Willie | Dachshund | 12-13 Years Old | 14 pounds, the smallest of the Darby dogs! Son of Susan and Terry Darby, Colorado Springs Oh, hi, new friend. I’m Willie,…
COS Court-Ordered Community Service
…18 years old Must be registered with Front Range Community Service Call 719.442.2201 to request a timesheet from Front Range Community Service Must have a minimum of 20 hours to…
Camp Whiskers & Wags
…kids and critters become friends Our summer day camps for children ages 5-14 years old help foster compassion and respect for animals. Camps include age-appropriate and engaging activities, educational and…
Community Cat Program
…Colony managers typically live in the same area as the colony and must: Be at least 18 years old Own the property or have permission from the property owner Visit…
Foster Care
…Underage animals without their moms who aren’t old enough for adoption Underweight or overweight animals Medical cases needing extra TLC to recover from an illness or needing rest after an injury…