Charlie and Lulu: A story of behavior, patience, and love

A photo collage of two tan cats cuddling and sleeping together

…I emphasize how important the notes on kennel cards are to potential adopters when considering adopting certain animals. Those notes help HSPPR staff and volunteers find the best fit for…

Meet HSPPR’s Newest Board Member!

…in education in 1976, and taught high school English at Wasson and Mitchell for 32 years. She initially became involved with HSPPR in 1997 when she adopted two black cats,…

2021 HSPPR Volunteer Superstars

A young, blonde woman smiling with a black and white dog

…life. Like a normal father but much cooler. Always has room for one more. See also: Best Cat Dad Ever”. You will also invariably find Patrick’s picture next to it…

Meet HSPPR Spokesdog Nala!

dachshund looking at the camera with pink boa around her neck

…owner had a terminal illness, so Safe Place for Pets, another worthwhile animal welfare organization, was trying to find me a new home. My mom and dad belong to a…

Meet HSPPR Spokesdog Willie

our spokesdog Willie with his two owners

Willie | Dachshund | 12-13 Years Old | 14 pounds, the smallest of the Darby dogs! Son of Susan and Terry Darby, Colorado Springs Oh, hi, new friend. I’m Willie,…

From Fearful to Foster to Family

…and I even lay on my new dad’s lap, even though I used to be extra scared of men. And then, the unthinkable happened. My foster dad took us doggies…

The Extraordinary Life of Ollie

…person, he knew Dad was the man for preparing meals and administering his medications, which often involved as many as 11 different meds each day. His caring Dad kept a…

Home for the Holidays

Rita cuddles with her dad after she is adopted The holidays are a great time of year to add a new furry family member to your household, and thanks to…

Milo’s Journey Home: A Volunteer’s Tale

…dogs moved from Jefferson Parish, LA to Oak Ridge, TN. The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley provided shelter space for the ASPCA to temporarily house animals who were already…

2020 HSPPR Volunteer Superstars

HSPPR volunteer giving a treat to a small black dog

…and tips for success once they’re on their own. Jennifer & Max This mother-son duo joined us back in June 2016 and have been 100% devoted to caring for our…

Be Dazzled by Danielle, Our New Behavior Programs Manager at HSPPR Colorado Springs!

…so tense during adoption meets. Eventually a dad and his daughter came in looking for a brindle pit or pit mix, because they had had one who had recently passed….

Corporal Rebekah Ellis – Not Just a Dogcatcher

An HSPPR ALE Officer in uniform standing in front of her ALE Truck

…the time. Most people are trying to be the best pet parents they can be, but they might not have noticed or might not be educated about what is best

Treating and Preventing Illnesses in Pets

HSPPR staff smiling while holding a small tan puppy

…to keeping your pet at a healthy weight. Your veterinarian can provide a range that would be best for your pet, and following a recommended diet with the approriate amount…

A Love for Wolves, Rhinos and Adventure! Fun Facts about Dr. Marisa

A white woman with dark brown hair in her vet uniform with her two small black dogs

…to the beach. What is a story about a family pet you remember from your childhood? One time our dog followed my dad out into the garage without him noticing…

Hot cars = hot dogs

…car. It’s a situation Mark Barton, HSPPR sponsor, dog dad, and general manager/partner at Phil Long Ford of Motor City, wants everyone to take seriously. He shares the message whenever…

Pets and Hot Cars Don’t Mix

…a situation Mark Barton, HSPPR sponsor, dog dad, and general manager/partner at Phil Long Ford of Motor City, wants everyone to take seriously. He shares the message whenever he can…

What to Do if You Lose or Find a Pet

…to look through our kennels every few days. We do our best to match lost reports with animals coming into the shelter. But dozens of pets come through our doors…

Socially Conscious Sheltering Explained

…homes, and transfer partners, to see what plan of action would result in the best outcome for this particular pet. This way, we can best meet the needs of that…