Don't Kitnap

Mom will likely return. Please don’t intervene.
- We are currently in “Kitten Season”, the time of year where we see an influx of kittens brought to the shelter. If possible, please consider keeping any kittens under 6 weeks from entering the shelter. Please note that we are experiencing longer than normal wait times for kitten intake processing. We remain open to receive all stray animals as needed.
When we find a litter of kittens, our good-hearted instincts tell us to rush to the aid of these fragile felines. Thankfully, human intervention is typically not required. In fact, the best thing we can do is leave the kittens alone. Mom will likely return shortly, and it’s critical that the kittens remain in her care, as she offers the best chance for survival.
Shelters and rescues are inundated every spring and summer with underage kittens brought in by well-meaning good Samaritans. Please, if you see “abandoned” kittens, don’t remove them from the area if they are not in immediate danger. They’re probably just fine where they are, and kitnapping them can do more harm than good.
When to step in
Wait for the mother
Keep them safe
It's time to help
These kittens do NOT need your help

These kittens DO need your help
Kittens with a mom should be eating frequently. Their bellies will typically have a full, rounded appearance. Sunken bellies, visible bones, and pale skin can indicate that the kittens need help and aren't being fed.
A good mama cat keeps her babies meticulously clean. Kittens that need your help may have dirt, feces, or crusted urine on their bodies. They may be wet. Their genital areas may be red and inflamed, indicating urine scalding.
Sick kittens might have discharge from the eyes and nose. Their eyes may be crusted shut. They may have wounds or open sores.
Cold young kittens cannot regulate their own body temperature and rely on mom, their siblings, and nesting material to keep them warm. They may lose some heat when mom is not with them, so unless they ALSO fit any of the other descriptions below, leave them and check again in 2-4 hours to see if mom came back.
Orphaned and hungry kittens will cry loudly. But loud kittens alone does not indicate that they are orphaned. Mom does not stay with the kittens all day long and might be on her way back. She might even be watching you in the shadows, waiting for YOU to leave her babies alone. Leave these kittens alone for 2-4 hours, then check on them again. If they are quiet when you return, that means mom has probably been back to care for them, and you should let her keep up the good work.
Resources from a kitten expert
More local help for orphaned kittens
Address: 5975 Burgess Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Address: 1700 S Prairie Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005
After Hours: 719.250.0262