August 16, 2024

Leash love: Keeping your dog close to you

This is Major, an eight-year-old Siberian Husky who spent time at Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region before finding his new home. His favorite thing in the world is the leash because it means it’s time to go outside! Be like Major and smile when it’s time to use the leash.

Dogs love to spend time outdoors! Whether they’re sunbathing or playing, it’s nicer to enjoy fresh smells and the breeze in their fur. Dogs can exercise by playing in the backyard, going for a walk, or taking them along on your next adventure. When out and about, keeping yourself and your dog safe is of the utmost importance. One of the easiest ways to do this is by leashing your dog. Here’s why leashing your dog should always be a priority.

Best Practices:

It’s extremely important to keep your pet on a leash to protect them, other pets, and people from potential dangers.

  • Drop the retractable leash and use a static leash instead. A static leash will keep your pet close to you and away from any wildlife, picking something up off the ground, or running away. The most effective static leashes are typically four to six feet long.
  • Using a leash helps keep your pet away from rattlesnakes, mountain lions, bears, scents and quills from skunks and porcupines, cacti, poison ivy, ticks, fleas, traffic, and more!
  • Dogs on leashes are less likely to contract illnesses from exposure to Parvo or Distemper since they can be restrained from approaching animal droppings.
  • Dogs who accompany their people on leashes are less likely to get lost. You don’t want your pup to run off chasing a cat before they realize that they’re alone in an unfamiliar area.

Training Tips:

Leash training can be fun and exciting for both you and your dog. A dog that walks well on a leash is easier to take outside and can make your walks stress-free!

  • Firstly, look beyond the leash! Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise prior to beginning training.
  • Start small with a handful of treats in the backyard or in the house and reward your dog every time they come to you.
  • Next you can add the leash and go on walks that don’t have a lot of distractions and reward your dog for giving you their attention.
  • As your dog gets better, you can extend the length of the walk or change the location of the walk so he can generalize the behavior.


Keeping your pet on a leash is also the law in many parts of the cities HSPPR serves. Established to protect yourself, others, your pet, and the environment, it is essential to familiarize yourself with your city’s local regulations.

One of the reasons we live in Colorado is because it’s a pet-friendly state! Click here for a list of off-leash dog parks in Colorado. Except for explicitly designated off-leash dog parks, dogs must be kept on a leash at all times.

Speaking of fun activities to do with your dog, Pawtoberfest is coming up! Join HSPPR at Printers Hill on September 14, 2024, for a dog-friendly festival featuring craft brews and spirits tasting, pet contests, activities for the whole family, and plenty of tasty food from local food trucks! Tickets are available now and don’t forget to bring your static leash! 
