The holidays are a great time of year to add a new furry family member to your household, and thanks to some generous donors, we are making sure every furry friend finds a Home for the Holidays. Mike and Cindy of Status Symbol Auto Body and Bill and Debbie of Dent-Tec have promised to donate $25 to HSPPR’s life-saving programs per lost cat or dog reunited with their family or adopted into a new family this December.
For each pet adopted or reunited, HSPPR will put their name on a special ornament to decorate the building. We hope to have our lobby full of hundreds ornaments by Christmas. Rita (who was so busy cuddling her new dad she couldn’t even turn around for the picture!) was one of the first pets adopted during our Home for the Holidays campaign! That means $25 was donated to pets in need in the community, and a special ornament was hung in her honor.
We can’t wait to see even more adoption and reunions this month! We want to deck our halls with pictures of pets that went Home for the Holidays, but we need YOUR help. So tell your friends, visit www.hsppr.org/adopt to pick out the purrrrrfect new pet, and let’s give them all a Home for the Holidays! #HappyTailsHappyHearts