Hi, I’m Wendy!
My story doesn’t start very happily, but it certainly ends that way. See, I was found as a stray by Animal Law Enforcement (ALE) in Pueblo after I was hit by a car – ouch! You can see the injuries I had in the photo below, which was taken by the kind ALE officer who came to get me.

Because of my injury, when the ALE officer came to get me, I was really fearful and wouldn’t let her near me. Luckily, when she brought me to HSPPR Pueblo, they understood that I was just scared, and that with time to adjust, I could be a whole different dog (spoiler alert: I am!). While I was getting treatment for my wounds at HSPPR Pueblo, the staff were very nice to me, and I quickly started warming up to them. I think it had something to do with all the hot dogs they gave me. They decided I was a good candidate for a foster home, where I could continue to get over my fear of people and recover for my accident.
Thank goodness they decided that because I got the best foster family ever! I have a foster sister Dali, I get lots of Starbucks, I play with squeaky toys, and more. My new family is so great, I would have no idea they are first-time fosters. They know just how to take care of me! Plus, my foster family even got to reassure the ALE officer who saved my life that I was doing just fine.

Slowly but surely I have been warming up to them, and I even lay on my new dad’s lap, even though I used to be extra scared of men.
And then, the unthinkable happened. My foster dad took us doggies to a new park for a walk. As soon as he opened the car door, something spooked me, and I bolted! They chased me for a half mile, but I was so scared I just kept running, and they lost me in a huge open space. Dad felt horrible, and I realized immediately I’d made a huge mistake. I needed to get back to the family that loved me! So I started walking the three miles back home through an active rail yard, a river, and traffic in the dark. When my foster daddy opened the door and saw me waiting for him on his porch (yes, I really had made it back those three miles to a home I’d lived in for only two weeks!), he knew I was home for good.
So now, drumroll please… time for the happy ending! As you can tell, I fell in love with my foster family, and they feel the same way about me. We’re a match made in heaven, so they’ve decided to adopt me! I’m so grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way, from the ALE officer to the HSPPR Pueblo staff to my new family – I am doing better every day, and thanks to all of them, I get a second chance at a happy life. Now I know why they always say #HappyTailsHappyHearts!