Annual veterinary examinations are vital to keeping your pet happy and healthy. On average, pets can age an equivalent of five to seven years for every human year and a lot of things can change with your pet’s health in just one calendar year.

Just like in human medicine, regular exams are the best form of preventative care in veterinary medicine. Annual examinations let your veterinarian check your pet for common concerning conditions like heart disease, dental disease, skin and ear infections, abnormal weight changes, and masses.
And don’t forget about your feline friends! Cats typically go to the veterinarian less often than dogs do. Many people only take their cat to the vet when he or she is really sick, but their illness might have been able to be avoided with preventive care. While it’s true that cats are typically low-maintenance pets compared to dogs, they still require regular wellness care including exams and vaccines to stay healthy.
4 Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian:
- Is my pet at a healthy weight?
- Ask your veterinarian if your pet is within the appropriate weight range for her breed, age, and size. If your pet is overweight or underweight, your veterinarian can help you set up a plan to get your pet to where their weight needs to be.
- Is that [odd behavior] normal?
- Don’t automatically assume your pet’s new strange behavior is normal. Note what the behavior is, when it first occurred, and how often it has occurred since. Then talk with your veterinarian about these changes.
- Does my pet need a dental cleaning?
- Your pet’s dental health is easy to overlook if you don’t think about it often. Your veterinarian can check for signs of gum disease and advise on the best way to take care of your pet’s teeth in the future.
- What are these lumps and bumps?
- It’s not unusual for lumps and bumps to develop as pets age. Your veterinarian can determine if a biopsy is warranted.
A healthy pet is a happy pet! Access to veterinary care is extremely important to us. With routine vaccinations and wellness exams, we can prevent costly medical care. In addition to caring for homeless pets in our community, HSPPR can lend a paw to pet families by providing select veterinary services.
Colorado Springs Veterinary Clinic
HSPPR is offering low-cost vaccines and wellness exams to pets in the Pikes Peak Region. Our clinic is located at 610 Abbot Lane in Colorado Springs and offers wellness services, which help keep pets happy, healthy, and in their homes and out of the shelter. Click here for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Pueblo Wellness Clinic
HSPPR has partnered with PetSmart Charities to operate a Wellness Clinic inside the PetSmart in Pueblo (4230 N Fwy Rd, Pueblo, CO 81008). We know the human-animal bond benefits individuals, families, and the community, and to preserve this special bond, the Wellness Clinic offers low-cost vaccines and wellness exams. Click here for more information and to schedule an appointment.