Bite Blotter

Public safety is a top priority for us, and we work diligently to ensure dangerous domestic animals are kept from harming other animals and people. Our Animal Law Enforcement officers responded to more than 2,300 calls about aggressive domestic pets in El Paso and Pueblo Counties last year — that’s about six calls every day. Many other bites go unreported. Below is just a sampling of moderate to fatal dog bite reports this year. Every report of a potential dangerous animal is investigated and appropriate action is taken to best resolve each situation.

To report a dangerous/aggressive animal situation involving a domestic pet, call Animal Law Enforcement at 719.302.8798, or call 911. If you are active military, contact law enforcement on your base/post. All bites, including encounters with wildlife, must be reported to the health department, even if Animal Law Enforcement isn’t involved:

El Paso County Health Department

Pueblo County Health Department

We use the following information to categorize the severity of animal bites:

Click here for some basic things you can do to help keep you and your pet safe and prevent a bite from happening.

DateZip CodeVictimVictim AgeBiting AnimalSpayed/NeuteredBiting Animal SexBite SeverityWound LocationPrior BiteNotes
02/20/202580911PERSON45DOGNOMaleMODERATER ARMNOThe victim was at a friends home They were petting the dog, when the dog bit the victim's right arm causing two deep lacerations
02/19/202580910PERSON27DOGYESMaleMODERATEARMThe dog bit a family member, unknown circumstances
02/16/202581022PERSON76DOGNOMaleSEVERELEFT FOOTYESThe victim was visiting a relative when the dog residing there bit
02/16/202581005PERSON42DOGNOMaleMODERATEL ARMA dog jumped over its fence and bit a neighbor
02/15/202580916PERSON27DOGNOMaleMODERATEUP LT THIThe dog bit a resident in the home, unknown circumstances
02/15/202580923PERSON5DOGYESMaleSEVEREFACENOThe dog was on back of couch watching something out the window when child leaned in next to the dog which caused the dog to redirect on childs face
02/12/202581003DOGDOGYESMaleMODERATEGUMSA dog jumped over fence and bit the dog residing there on mouth causing a moderate laceration to gum of victim dog
02/11/202581004CATDOGNOMaleFATALALL OVERYESA loose dog attacked a cat resulting in fatal injuries
02/09/202580904PERSON9DOGNOMaleMODERATER HANDNOThe victim was feeding a dog in the house when another dog at the residence bit
02/09/202580904PERSON29DOGYESMaleMODERATEL INDEXYESThe dog was sleeping in bed The owner pushed the dog away and dog head whipped and bit their left index finger causing multiple punctures and lacerations
02/07/202580905PERSON62DOGNOMaleMODERATEBUTTUCKSYESThe victim was walking their dog when the a dog jumped over its fence and attempted to attack the victim's dog While protecting their dog the victim was bitten on the buttocks causing a large wound
02/05/202580905DOGDOGNOMaleMODERATERIGHT SIDEYESThe vicitm dog was being walked on leash when a loose dog ran up and bit causing moderate injuries
02/02/202581005DOGDOGNOMaleSEVEREFACETwo family dogs were in the yard when the larger dog attacked the smaller dog causing severe injuries
02/02/202580904DOGDOGYESMaleMODERATESHOULDERThe victim was being walked on leash when a loose dog ran up and attacked
01/31/202581004PERSON26DOGNOMaleMODERATERIGHT ARMThe victim was greeting a dogs owner when the dog ran up and bit victim breaking skin
01/21/202580809PERSONDOGNOMaleMODERATEFACE/ARMThe victim entered a residence and was bit by dog on face and arm
01/18/202580916PERSONDOGYESFemaleMODERATEHANDNOVictim was bitten on the hand while separating a dog fight, causing moderate injuries
01/17/202581001DOGDOGYESFemaleFATALOne dog was attacked and killed another dog in the home
01/16/202580916PERSONDOGYESFemaleSEVERERT IND FINYESThe victim was trying to break up a dog fight and was bitten in the process resulting in a severe injury to the index finger
01/16/202580911DOGDOGNOFemaleSEVERERIGHT FACENOOne dog attaced a second dog in the home resulting in severe injuries
01/15/202580905PERSON48DOGYESFemaleMODERATEFINGERNOVictim was restraining dog during a medical examination when the dog turned and bit
01/14/202580817DOGDOGNOMaleSEVEREBACKNOThe victim dog was attacked by two loose dogs while being leash walked by its owners
01/13/202581069DOGDOGYESFemaleFATALTORSONOThe victim dog was attacked and killed by a dog that trespassed onto its property
01/12/202581007PERSON55DOGNOMaleMODERATEL FOREARMThe victim knocked on a door and when someone answered, the dog ran out and bit
01/12/202580817DOGDOGYESMaleFATALBODYNOA dog broke through a neighboring fence and attacked and killed the dog residing there
01/12/202580817DOGDOGYESMaleFATALBODYNODog broke through fence, attacked, and killed victim dog
01/11/202580911PERSON50DOGYESMaleMODERATERIGHT ARMThe victim was trying to grab a diaper out of the dogs mouth when it bit causing mulitiple small puntures, brusing, and swelling
01/11/202581001CATDOGYESMaleSEVEREHEADThe cat was attacked by a dog at the family residence The cat was euthanized due to the severity of its injuries
01/10/202581001DOGDOGNOMaleSEVERENECK/HEARNOThe victim dog was attacked by another dog in the home The dog passed away due to the severity of its injuries
01/07/202580906DOGDOGNOFemaleMODERATENECKNONETwo dogs got into a fight and the victim dog sustained multiple puncture wounds to the neck
01/06/202580922PERSON44DOGNOFemaleSEVEREFACEYESThe victim fainted, tripped and landed on the dog while it was sleeping, which caused the dog to attack
01/03/202580917DOGDOGNOFemaleMODERATENECKYESA person was walking her dog on leash when the attacking dog broke free from its owner and attacked a small dog causing moderate injuries that required vet treatment
01/16/202580916PERSONDOGYESFemaleSEVERERT IND FINYESThe victim was trying to break up a dog fight and was bitten in the process resulting in a severe injury to the index finger
01/24/202580916PERSON49DOGYESMaleSEVEREARM/LEGNOThe victim was out walking wihen a loose dog attacked
01/18/202580908PERSON40DOGYESMaleMODERATETHIGH/HANDNOThe victim was watching TV and the dog was laying in front of them The dog turned and bit the victim on the thigh and hand, unknown why
01/23/202581008PERSON37DOGYESMaleSEVEREMOUTHThe victim was playing with the dog when it bit
01/16/202580913PERSON12DOGYESMaleMODERATEFACEYESThe dog was sleeping and victim walked by and startled it The dog lunged and snapped at the victim's face
Bite DateZip CodeVictimVictim AgeBiting AnimalSpayed/NeuteredBiting Animal SexBite SeverityWound LocationPrior BiteNotes
12/31/202480905PERSONDOGYESMaleMODERATELEFT HANDNOThe victim was feeding to distract it during a medical procedure The dog punctured the victim's hand instead of the treat
12/29/202480911PERSONDOGNOMaleMODERATEARMYESThe dog was eating feces The victim attempted to relocate dog and it bit the victims arm, causing a serious gash injury requiring stitches
12/29/202480917DOGDOGYESMaleMODERATENECK/TORSONOThe victim dog was being walked on leash, when another dog ran up and attacked
12/29/202480916DOGDOGYESFemaleMODERATEAOETwo family dogs got into a fight
12/28/202481007PERSONDOGNOMaleMODERATELEFT HANDThe vicitim was giving the dog a treat and the dog bit their hand
12/27/202480906PERSON43DOGYESMaleMODERATEARMYESThe victim was in their front yard when a loose dog bit the victim causing a large laceration on the arm
12/25/202481001PERSON63DOGNOFemaleMODERATEARMS,LEGSNOVictim was picking up a friend when the dog residing there attacked
12/25/202481004PERSON63DOGNOMaleMODERATEARMS,LEGSThe victim was picking up a friend when the dog residing at the address attacked
12/24/204180916PERSON10DOGNOMaleSEVEREBOTH HANDSThe victim was in the backyard eating when the dog bit the victim on both hands causing severe injuries
12/24/202480817DOGDOGNOMaleSEVEREALL OVERTwo family dogs got into a fight, unknown circumstances
12/23/202480910DOGDOGNOFemaleFATALNECKThe victim dog was in the backyard when it was attacked by another dog
12/21/202480917DOGDOGNOFemaleMODERATEINTERNALNOThe victim dog was being walked on leash when a dog broke free from its owner and attacked The victim dog sustained a bruised bladder and collapsed lung
12/18/202480909PERSON54DOGNOMaleMODERATETHIGHThe victim was walking her dog when a loose dog approached her attempting to attack her dog The victim scooped up her dog to protect him when the loose dog bit her multiple times in the upper left thigh breaking the skin causing injury
12/17/202480909PERSON2DOGNOFemaleSEVEREFACENOThe victim and the dog were in the same room when the dog bit, unknown circumstances
12/16/202480930PERSONDOGNOMaleMODERATELEFT HANDThe victim was breaking up a dog fight in home
11/19/202481006PERSONDOGYESMaleMODERATER ANKLEThe victim was outside when a loose dog bit
11/14/202480907PERSON45DOGNOMaleMODERATELEGYESThe vctim was sitting on their porch when the a loose dog came up and bit the victim on the leg causing moderate injuries